Thursday, March 26, 2009


Today we are going to be writing about what we learned.The two generals are Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis.The Confederate and the Union also known as the Southern the Northern states.They wanted to fight for freedom.The civil war was important to people that wanted freedom and sometimes there were families that had people that were in the civil war.People fought for there freedom to pass the underground railroad.The Underground railroad is path of freedom.A woman named Harriet Tubman was a lady that made the slavery free.Harriet Tubman helped americans and african americans from slavery.Thats all our group learned for the passed few weeks.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Back to tuesday

Today has been a day wear we review what we have looked over and what we learned about the Civil War.My group has been staying on track.We have been looking at the important facts of the Civil War.And i am busy blogging about what we have been up to.We also been having to check over are facts we have learned.So that we can be prepared to take that test again and get a 100.And so Jaqueline hast to make sure are group nows all the things we need to know.Thats what we did on Tuesday

Monday, March 23, 2009


Today we are back from spring break.And today we have been busy on learning about the Union Generals.We found out that William Tecumseh Sherman bearned down Atlanta.And that general Alysses s.Grant was the general who won the wore.And as we went on we learned about Robert e.lee.And we found out that he was Mrs.Masseys great grand mothers uncle.thats what we did today.

Friday, March 13, 2009

friday is hear

Its Friday and we are watching a video about the Under Ground Rail Rode.We are reading about it and talking about it.But i am back on my blog and am talking and learning the same time.M0st of the time today,we have been learning about the under ground rail rode and meaning in who went there,who survived,and things like that.So we have been busy today,but we are stil on track.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Its hear Thursday,Today we are busy doing blogs and researching.This is a day wear i haft to ketch up on my blogs.And Angelica is helping me by doing research and putting pictures on the blog.And Sharai like always is researching.And the Jacqueline is helping everyone if they need help. i have just been busy talking to you on the we also might haft to do a little test on Aberham Lincon and Jefferson Davis.But to me that is a easy 100 because i know what both of them look like.


When we got back on Tuesday we started to look at maps and named the states of confederacy and found out the President of those state.And the president of thogh states of confederacy is Jefferson Davis.And we also found the president of the United States who was Abraham Lincon.And as we started to thanked about the confederacy states,we found a picture of them.then that led us to Wednsday.
When we got back on Tuesday we started to do